I am all about wellness whether it’s physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. I have been in the health and wellness field for over 30 years teaching people how to live to their fullest potential in their day to day lives. I am the founder and owner of Spring Training a Pilates and Gyrotonic Studio located in Mountain VIew Ca. I am a complete movement geek and am passionate about teaching people to live and move in their bodies free of pain and injury.
As a student and teacher of the moving arts I have come to realize that physical health encompasses more than just moving correctly. Whole body wellness is realized through alignment with what we eat, focus on and appreciate. It’s about creating an environment inside and out that resonates with the universal laws of nature.
When it comes to feeding our bodies and souls it’s about nourishing ourselves with the highest vibrant, nutritious, energy filled food available on this planet. My gifts and passions are to help people find true health wellness and joy.
I grew up in the restaurant business with a very successful restauranteur father who owned and operated over 23 restaurants made up of 3 different chain concepts from taco stands to high profile gourmet establishments. To have a father in my life I needed to be where he was and that meant in the restaurants. So from age 5 to 35 I too was in the business working every aspect and job possible. Today I retain ownership in one of those restaurants and together with my husband own three stores of our own in the bay area of which I am not actively involved with the day to day operations.
Along the way I started noticing that even though I was athletic and fit I was beginning to show signs of aging and breakdown. My joints began aching and I started to become aware that my immune system was less than optimal. Of course always interested in diet and nutrition I ventured into trying different diet regimes. But my ahaa… moment came after participating in my first juice fast. I was amazed at the results of the fast. I felt such peace and clarity of mind. I was completely relieved of allergy and skin conditions and all aches and pains in my joints disappeared. From there the pieces started falling into place and one thing led to another until I was introduced to the Raw Living Food Lifestyle in 2003.
I fell head over heels in love with raw living foods. I sought out any and all information I could. I started attending raw food demo classes even inviting instructors to teach them in my home. I was in love with this lifestyle and felt fantastic and radiant.
In 2007 I completed my certification as a Associate Chef and Instructor from the Living Light Culinary Arts Institute in Fort Braggs, CA.
I started teaching classes, but one thing led to another and the classes started falling off my radar screen as well as my complete absorption in raw food. I would move in and out of eating all raw or at least 80% raw living depending on my mood and motivation.
It wasn’t until I found my self with a diagnosis of breast cancer that I knew I needed to embrace this lifestyle completely. Through diet and lifestyle changes I was able to radically shift my diagnosis of breast cancer and heal my self completely without surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.
I have since founded Wholycancer.com which was born out of my success in healing cancer by not only diet and lifestyle changes but also focusing on my wellness instead of illness.
Besides my Pilates and Gyrotonic trainings I am a wellness coach, I teach wellness classes, lead detox cleanses and teach Raw living Culinary Classes. Bottom line, I Help people take responsibility for themselves. My goal is to create and inspire a community focused on abundant wellness where we can together learn, grow, share, and enJOY !!
– See more at: http://www.wholycancer.com/blog/#sthash.ZDFdygml.dpuf