Graced By Grit

SIP  SHOP  CELEBRATE! You’re invited to join us to SIP, SHOP AND CELEBRATE st our studio Holiday Trunk Show featuring the amazing women’s athletic wear GRACED BY GRIT. GRACED BY GRIT has created flattering workout gear for athletic women, that makes sense for both land and sea. GRACED BY GRIT was birthed from two women who had each experienced a major life event that forced them to learn what they were truly made of. They believe that every woman has a gritty moment that could make or break her and that every woman has experienced hardship and troubled times. It’s [...]

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Pleasure Trap

Sugar and I are like two peas in a pod and there is no question in my mind that I am a bonafide sugar addict.  Sugar once had the power to easily and without warning spin me out of control in a moments notice leaving me in a puddle of self-loathing  and guilt.  It wasn’t until I was given a diagnosis of breast cancer did I come clean with my run away cravings, confront my addiction and started to make empowered choices for taking back my life, health and wellness.  Are sugar and junk food urges really simply a matter of willpower and self [...]

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Keep your Cholesterol Levels Fit with Fiber

It’s no secret that fiber plays a very important role for keeping your internal pipes moving regularly, your blood sugar on an even keel and your waistline smaller.  But one very important feature of fiber that doesn’t get much air time is the fact that it plays a major part in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Fiber is the part of the plant that your digestive system just doesn’t breakdown.  Dietary fiber comes in two different varieties, soluble or insoluble which means as the fiber passes through your digestive tract the soluble fiber dissolves in water and the insoluble fiber does [...]

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What You’re Eating Could Be The Source Of Your Back Pain

For over 30 years I’ve been working with people in the movement arena.  My specialty in this field is teaching people strategies to reduce, manage and/or eliminate their back pain.  I help my clients to discover and implement strategies that reestablish proper postural alignment, correct stabilization techniques and identify and resolve faulty movement patterns. I also like to make them aware that what they eat can be a big factor in the quality and health of their spine.  When people think about back pain they never make the connection between diet and how it could have any bearing upon the [...]

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3 Steps to get the Diet Results You Want!

In a time of convenience, fast and an over packaging of food, eating for wellness and fueling your body with healthy nutritiously packed whole foods can be a challenge.  To get the most out of what you put in your mouth and nourish your body physically, mentally and spiritually you need to Kick the CRAP out of your diet. Kicking the CRAP means eliminating or at least cutting far back on: C – Simple carbohydrates of candy, cakes, cookies and sodas that are loaded with sugar that will rage havoc on your adrenals, immune system, blood sugar levels and your over all health. [...]

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I’m All About Wellness

I am all about wellness whether it’s physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.  I have been in the health and wellness field for over 30 years teaching people how to live to their fullest potential in their day to day lives.  I am the founder and owner of Spring Training a Pilates and Gyrotonic Studio located in Mountain VIew Ca.  I am a complete movement geek and am passionate about teaching people to live and move in their bodies free of pain and injury. As a student and teacher of the moving arts I have come to realize that physical health [...]

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Blood Sugar Blues

SWEET BLOOD SUGAR BLUES I have always had an on going battle with sugar and sugar cravings.  In fact before I was diagnosed with breast cancer I would end each day with a glass or two of wine with dinner.  Of course I told myself it was my dimmer switch taking the days activities down a notch, but what I have come to realize is that my craving for sugar is what was really driving my glass of wine urge. When I am not eating as well as I know I should (no guilt, just the truth), I find those [...]

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How Is Your Liquid Intake These Days?

Healthy water is the foundation for a healthy life! Water is the one of the essential components for your survival on this planet. Keeping our bodies hydrated is absolutely vital for optimum health and wellness. We can survive months without food but we won’t last more than 3 days without water.  Our bodies need water to conduct energy, digest our food, transport nutrients, escorts waste out, regulate our body temperature and aid with circulation. Our earth’s surface is covered by 70% water and our bodies are made up of approximately 50-70% water .   Babies are approximately 75% water and as [...]

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